About me
Hello, i’m Matt…
I’m a climbing arborist/ tree surgeon from the north of England. Im based in the middle of Wigan and Chorley and cover all aspects of tree work. Working for myself and as a freelance contractor I work both locally and surrounding areas of the North West. I have always been creative and also love making videos and creating content about my work.

My Story
I started my arb journey in 2016 after spending 10 years in grounds maintenance – 3 of which in management. My ‘roots’ where in horticulture but I always dreamed of climbing trees. I made the decision that an office job wasn’t really for me and trained as a climbing arborist.
“I went all in”
I searched high and low and spoke to anyone that would listen to learn as much about the industry as possible. My aim was to go from beginner to Lead Climber in the fastest route.
I soon learned that there where no shortcuts or substitute for experience, I was humbled very quickly. But by grasping as many opportunities as possible I found that in time I could gain the skills and Knowledge that I needed.

I am still learning everyday and cannot be more thankful to the amazing arb community, crews and professionals I get to work with. I know that If I didn’t have the guidance, advice and mentoring from these great people I would’nt be where I am today. For this I thank them so much!
If you need a professional, honest local tree surgeon please feel free to get in touch……Cheers!
Website images kindly provided by: @nigel_maitland_ @meganjamesarb